Hadrami Diaspora;
Frameworks of Hadrami
scholars in
reforms of Muslims in Kerala
Concerning the Kerala Muslim
history, Hadrami scholars had a vital role
in defining the socio-cultural
awakening deeds and spiritual leadings. Their
enthralling renaissance movements
can be comprehended as efficacious magic
bullets to the quandaries of the
contemporary world against the arising questions
and wicked tricks. In fact, The Hadrami
people are inhabiting the Hadharmaut
region in Yemen and their
descendants longed into and happened in the Indian
Ocean coasts in worldwide
diaspora. This migration of Hadrami scholars to
Malabar of Kerala produced
tremendous changes in the life and culture of
Muslims of Kerala, as happened
elsewhere on the other coasts. So, this paper is
an attempt to explicate the
significance of Hadrami scholars in the socio- cultural
field of Kerala Muslims. This
migration was mainly towards the Malabar region,
the western coast of India, where
the rulers have been very cordial towards the
immigrants from the Middle East.
This kind of people played a very significance
role in the religious, social
reforms and cultural amity in Malabar. Cause of this,
the Hadrami tradition is
still followed in the religious affairs of Malabar. Above
all, other religion professing
people whom neglected by other upper casts, were
become hugged Islam as they found
the Hadrami scholars as saviour and
redeemer and their path as a
truth and acceptable one. Finally, in this kind of facts,
this paper will illuminate the
socio-cultural systems and the spiritual leadings of
Hadrami scholars by
highlighting the interference of other leaders and ground
breakers of other sector in the
background of Muslim history in Kerala.